5 Finals Week Must-Haves

5 Finals Week Must-Haves

Finals Week - two words that incite fear in the hearts of college students everywhere. Long, sleepless nights in the library, pages upon pages of notes and PowerPoints, and the dreaded essay questions. It’s enough to send even the strongest of us back under our dorm room duvets to wait out the storm. But fear not, because this year, things will be different. We have you covered with this list of necessities (ahem, coffee…) that will have you sailing through finals week straight into summer break!

1. Coffee

Yeah, you guessed it. First up is, of course, coffee. Hot or Iced, Latte or Macchiato. Whatever floats your boat. Just get yourself some coffee. I promise your sanity will remain intact as long as you keep a cup in your left hand and a pencil in your right. Seriously though, no library outing is complete for me without it, and right now, that cup is full of some Cookie Dough Iced Coffee. Too good.

5 Finals Week Must-Haves

2. Agenda

Staying organized is the key to finals week success. Planning out your exams, study hours, projects and coffee breaks will set you on the right path to ace your finals, and it will keep your stress level at a minimum. Use highlighters and sticky notes to keep track of your most important to-do’s, and try color coding your calendar by class!

3. Pinspiration

Let’s face it. Try as we may, sometimes we just aren’t as successful at staying on track as we planned. We all need a little distraction from formulas and theories every once in a while, and, for me, the master of distraction is Pinterest. It’s full of cute clothes, tropical destinations and oh-so-good recipes. Speaking of recipes, our Dunkin’ Pinterest page has some great ones in case you’re in the market for some delicious finals week snacks!

5 Finals Week Must-Haves

4. Great Playlist

There’s nothing worse than a silent, stuffy library. Break the silence (with headphones on!) and make yourself a study playlist. Some great tunes can get you through just about anything, even organic chemistry. Fair warning, though - we take no responsibility for your singing on the silent floor!

5. Donuts

You know what motivates me to go to the library first thing in the morning? Donuts. There’s nothing quite like walking into Dunkin’ on my way to a long study sesh and breathing in the sweet scent of some fresh Glazed Donuts. And because finals are looming, I’ve been upping my Donut game and toting along a secret stash to the library. So get yourself a box and cozy up in your library cubicle because it’s going to be a long week.

5 Finals Week Must-Haves

What are your finals week necessities? Show us how Dunkin’ is getting you through exams on TwitterInstagram and Facebook. And don’t worry, freedom is almost here!