We’ve been in Los Angeles for a little under three months and our fans there have been more than amazing. We’ve heard stories of people traveling for hours, from different parts of the state, just to taste our coffee, donuts and sandwiches. That being said, today we’re so DDelighted to announce that Dunkin’ Donuts is coming to another passionate Dunkin’ community, San Francisco!

In addition to San Francisco, we will be opening in two more communities in the Golden State: Palm Springs and Bakersfield! We plan to open 63 restaurants in these three areas over the next several years.

This year has been a big one for us in California. We opened our first three stand-alone California Dunkin’ Donuts locations in Santa Monica, Modesto and Downey, and launched Rainforest Alliance Certified™ Dark Roast coffee, the first addition to our coffee portfolio in years. Since opening those locations in September, we couldn’t wait to bring more of our restaurants to the west coast, and we’re not stopping here! To continue our move out west, we will be adding more than 250 Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants in California throughout the next few years, with a long term plan to open 1,000 restaurants in the Golden State overall.
After the exciting openings we’ve had in California so far this year, we can’t wait to see how San Franciscans will celebrate our new location with us! Stay tuneDD on news around when the stores will open and any other California upDDates.
*Have you visited on of our California restuarants? Share your experience with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!