How to Dress Up a DD Card for Grads and Teachers

How to Dress Up a DD Card for Grads and Teachers

Whether you want to say congratulations to a graduate or thank you to a teacher, a Dunkin’ Donuts Card is just the thing you need. For an even sweeter gift, check out our DIY ideas!

A DD Card is the perfect way to delight grads and teachers, but a DD Card all dressed up is even better! We partnered with artist and content creator Whitney Ward to bring you these fun DIY ideas:



For A Teacher

Show appreciation for your teacher or your children’s teachers with a DD Card.  For an extra sweet gift card DIY, fill a Dunkin’ cup with Munchkins® donut hole treats, top it with a gift card, and add some ribbon for a festive touch.



For A Grad

It’s graduation season! Help keep them energized for their next big adventure with Dunkin’. All you need to do is add confetti and a DD Card or two to a festive bag and you have the perfect grad gift.  

Looking to surprise Mom or Dad with a festive DD Card? Check out more Dunkin’ DIY ideas here and on Pinterest.

You can pick up any of our festive DD Cards in store or online at DD Cards can also be sent digitally via text, email or through the Dunkin’ Mobile® App.


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