The New Americano vs. Our Signature Original Blend Brewed Coffee

The New Americano vs. Our Signature Original Blend Brewed Coffee

The new Americano and our classic Original Blend Coffee are both made from quality Arabica beans and water, so you might be wondering…what’s the difference?

Legend says that the Americano was born during WWII when American soldiers stationed in Italy added water to espresso to make it taste more like coffee from back home. But from the way they are prepared to their distinct tastes, Americano and brewed coffee have their differences.





First, there’s the brewing method. Our Americano combines two shots of 100% Rainforest Alliance certified espresso with hot water. The Arabica beans are dark roasted, then freshly and finely ground. The espresso is then brewed by forcing hot water through the Arabica beans under a high pressure.

The brewing method, the quality of the Arabica beans, the precise temperature of hot water all contribute to the Americano’s bold, rich taste. If you enjoy an espresso-forward taste, the Americano is for you.


Hot Coffee


Brewed Coffee

On the other hand, our Original Blend Coffee is brewed using gravity rather than force. Brewed coffee allows hot water to drip over medium roasted coffee grounds, which then passes through a filter. At Dunkin’, we freshly brew coffee throughout the day so every cup is fresh.  The result: a smooth hot coffee beverage with a lively, balanced finish. 

Do you enjoy the new specially crafted Americano or our signature Original Blend Brewed Coffee? Share your favorite on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

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