As college students are busy getting back into school mode, at Dunkin’ we’re busy getting ready to introduce a branDD new concept this fall- the Dunkin’ Donuts BranDD AmbassaDDor program!

Launching at eight schools around the country - Syracuse, University of Texas at Austin, University of Connecticut (UCONN), Providence College, Boston College, University of New Hampshire (UNH), University of Massachusetts (UMASS) and University of Rhode Island (URI) - we are going to have students running on Dunkin’ in no time! We have sought out eight Dunkin’ collegiate super-fans and rising stars to be our BranDD AmbassaDDor’s on their respected campuses. They will help bring the Dunkin’ spirit to their campuses by getting Dunkin’ involved in various school events.

By having a BranDD AmbassaDDor at their school, students will be able to experience the Dunkin’ way by getting exclusive access to tasting new products, participating in DD contests and having Dunkin’ present at various campus events. Students can expect to see our AmbassaDDors with Dunkin products at unique places around their campuses, like a football tailgate at the University of Texas or at Fall Fest at UNH.
Now, here’s a quick introduction to our eight amazing Dunkin’ BranDD AmbassaDDors:

Syracuse: Jared
Home State: Missouri but currently reside in Nevada
Year: Junior
Major: Sport Management
Favorite DD Item: Iced French Vanilla Coffee with cream and Caramel Swirl
Instagram: Cuse_DD_Rep

UNH: Rachel
Home State: Massachusetts
Year: Junior
Major: Marketing
Favorite DD Item: Coconut Iced Coffee and Glazed Donuts
Instagram: CampusRepUNH

UMASS: Aaron
Home State: Massachusetts
Major: Marketing and Sports Management
Favorite Dunkin Item: Vanilla Chai & Boston Kreme Donut
Instagram: DonutRepMA

Boston College: Alfredo
Home State: Rhode Island
Year: Sophomore
Major: Finance
Favorite Dunkin’ Item: Sausage Egg and Cheese Sandwich on a Croissant with a Hazelnut Iced Coffee
Instagram: BCCampusRep

Home State: New Jersey
Year: Sophomore
Major: Management
Favorite DD Item: Hazelnut Iced Coffee and Blueberry Muffin
Instagram: UCDonutRep

Providence: Lindsay
Home State: New Hampshire
Year: Sophomore
Major: English and Creative Writing
Favorite DD Item: Boston Kreme Donut
Instagram: PCDonutRep

University of Texas in Austin: Sela
Hometown: Arlington, Texas
Year: Junior
Major: Business
Favorite DD Item: Strawberry Dream Swirl Donut
Instagram: UTDonutRep

URI: Taylor
Hometown: Newport, Rhode Island
Year: Senior
Major: Public Relations
Favorite DD item: Caramel Swirl Iced Coffee, regular cream and sugar
Instagram: RhodyRep
Interested in seeing where our program goes and how it develops? Check back with us here to learn more! Are you a current student that is looking to join our BranDD AmbassaDDor roster in the future ? Drop us a note ( to let us know where you go to school and why you should be our rep!